About Me
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Lyrics - Slipknot

Lyrics - IOWA

Rammstien - Mutter (English)

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About Me N What I Like
Hey, my names Shaun Walster. I live in Telford in the UK and my fave band is Slipknot (I wish to be part of the SLIPKNOT MAGOTT CORPS). I like rock music and just any music with a load of guitars and drums in it. I also like Rammestien, Spine Shank, Ozzy Ozbourne and more. I really hate Pop so don't even bother looking at my page if you lke Pop ok! Soz if i look stupid in the pic, they took it when i wasn't looking lol

About my mates
On the weekends me and my mates go out and just mess around. Most of my mates think me and Colin (one of my best mates) are not normal just because of the music we like but IT'S OUR LIFE NOT THERES!
We just hang and listen to Slipknot etc.
Shout to all my mates: Colin,Craig,Woody,Chris,Graham,Rory,Jordan,Mark,Richard,Sam,Jade and Kat!!!!

One of my mates,Graham has a site called: emuman.20m.com

Another mate, Woody has a site called: woodstaruk.20m.com

My Family
My family hate all the music i listen to. So just to piss them off some times i play music REALLY loud. I have 1 brother who is 19 and doesn't live at home anyone and of course a mum and a dad!

Email Me!

Links to Other Sites
A slipknot site


Well thats all about my mates, my family and nearly everything about me